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Fife CAHMS HandsOn Website

What is HandsOn?

HandsOn is a website that provides help and practical advice for supporting children and young people's mental health and emotional wellbeing.

In HandsOn, the terms mental health and emotional wellbeing are used interchangeably.  Also, good mental health is sometimes referred to as flourishing because this is how it has often been described in research and policy.

Who is HandsOn for?

HandsOn is for parents, carers and people who work with children and young people in Fife. You may be trying to help a child or young person with emotional difficulties or challenging behaviour. Or you may be looking for ways to promote mental health in the children you live or work with.

Who developed HandsOn?

HandsOn was developed by Playfield Institute, a part of Fife CAMHS, along with other teams across the Fife Health and Social Care Partnership, Barnardo's and the University of Dundee. There was also consultation with parents, carers and people who work with children and young people. The content of the website was written by clinicians and professionals in Fife CAMHS, School Nursing and Educational Psychology.


HandsOnScotland was set up in June 2007, in response to recommendations in the Scottish Needs Assessment Programme report on the mental health needs of children and young people in 2003. More content was added in 2010 to fulfil Commitment 1 of the Scottish Government's 2009 policy and action plan Towards a Mentally Flourishing Scotland. The website was updated, renamed and redesigned in August 2018.